マウスピースのデザインにいたるまで完全オーダーメイドすることにより、この世に1つしかない、 未だかつて見たこともない、まさに一点物のマウスピースを手に入れることができます。(当店唯一の技術)呼吸もしやすく、異物感も激減するあなただけのマウスピースを手にしてください!マウスピース屋サンテック、サンテックのマウスピース

The instrument reproducing the state of the jaw called an occlusion machine is used, and tabling of each player
is reproduced correctly.

It can decide on the place which a mouthpiece bites in the optimal position.

It is effective also in the improvement of bad tabling.

We can recommend to all sport players.

(Please inquire.)
The man of bad tabling  
Those who a sense of proportion wants to improve
Those who are playing the sport which needs instantaneous power

Conventionally, the player with much externally caused injury of a jaw or a tooth was doing the mouthpiece
of up-and-down one apparatus.

However, it was what it is hard to use for the athlete who needs a lot of oxygen.

At our shop, in order to improve the demerit, the upper and lower sides were separated.

In order to reproduce exact tabling using an occlusion machine, the sense of incongruity of tabling is stopped to the minimum.

(Please inquire.)

The man of mandibular protraction
There is much externally caused injury of the lower jaw.
The direction which receives an intense blow